Sunday, March 2, 2008

Do you know what that is Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability

Firday brought a little road trip down to Atlantic City. I had a meeting scheduled and read that Jordan was thinking of making the trip.

We contacted each other and made some informal plans. I mentioned it to CK in chat and she was on board. Donkette found out and BOOOOOOOOOM she was in with Aniguy and minidonk in tow.

We started at the Borgata. Me, CK and a guy that works for me. Lasted all of about 2 hours before we up and left for the trop where we would meet jordan. He played in the tourney and the rest of us sat down at the 1/2 tables. Read here for the details for Donk has already written up a good post about it.

I left around 1 in the am was playing online by 3. Serious issues folks...

Tonight starts the BBthree and there will be a lot of money going around this one. The big game should be huge, with 40 already registered.

I have a prop bet with fuel that will make this interesting and keep the interest level in playing all of these events.

Throughout the first two challenges I have to believe I was one of the few guys that played in the most tournies. I don't think I missed one at all during the second and i think maybe one during the first. I can't see anyone making all 55 tournaments this time around. We'll have to wait and see, and maybe put a prize together for the guy or gal who actually plays the most tournies... regardless of performance.

Good luck all in the BBthree and the big game tonight. i'll post tomorrow on last nights fun with a bunch of other bloggers at the virtual tables... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

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